Old Homework

week 1 homework





















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Homework Page

Homework 2

1) Read Lynda.com H.O.T – Ch.2 (pg.12 - 35)

2) Emailed my first hand-coded webpage. Made sure the file was as a .html extension. The elements included within the page were:
- A title (using the <title> tag)
- An embedded YouTube link
- A short paragraph describing the video (using the <p> tag)

3) Posted a link to my website in the discussion forum under "Student Sites" and uploaded the homework packet files to my website.

4) Emailed response questions:
- What are the six main Dreamweaver interface elements?
- Of the six main Dreamweaver interface elements, which one of is context-sensitive, meaning that it changes depending on the type of element selected?
- If you wanted to see the source code of your webpage, how would you do that in Dreamweaver?
- Where do you define a workspace in Dreamweaver?
- What operating system are you on (Windows or Mac)?
- Please write out the keyboard shortcuts (specific to your system) for the following functions:
 Save a document
 Preview document in secondary browser
 Check spelling
 View page properties
- When working on a new site, what is the first thing you should do to help organize your files?